Kerala PSC LDC exam shortlist-rank list District Wise details

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How to prepare for LDC 2013, LD Clerk Examination 2013-2014

How to prepare for LDC 2013, LD Clerk Examination 2013-2014

LD Clerk Exam Tips and Tricks, How to plan, study and how to execute.

As you all know the LD clerk examination is only 3-4month from now. Everyone is so anxious and wants to perform well in the examination. Some of them may already joined in coaching classes, some of us doesn’t have enough time to attend coaching classes, the reason for this may be lack of time, lot of time may be used or wasted for other purposes for example some of us may have to travel 2-3 hours daily for the job purpose or study purpose. So this article is for those whom having this kind of difficulties to attend coaching classes and also who are eagerly want to prepare themselves for the LDC 2013 or other PSC examinations.

Let Us first look in to the syllabus of LDC exam 2013


(Medium of questions : Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Maximum marks possible : – 100 (One mark for each correct answer. There will be negative marking 1 for 3 wrong answers)

Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes)
Part I : General Knowledge and Current Affairs – Total 50 Marks
Part II : Simple Arithmetic and Mental Ability –Total 20 Marks
Part III: General English -  Total 20 Marks
Part IV: Regional Language (Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada) – 10 Marks

How to prepare

We are giving you a different approach to face LDC exam, this is after analyzing the recent exams conducted, we feel that almost 70% of exams the questions are coming from the secondary schools subjects and books, ie what we studied earlier and have in the edge of overlook.

So what we are recommending is collect the 10th, 9th, 8th standard books and guides and just read the one word questions from it, especially for subjects except English, Maths and hindi collect as much books and guides as possible. After you read it, it is easy to remember for you.

For mathematics also the academic subject knowledge is enough but to answer it speedy you should learn some tricks and tips for this you can buy some arithmetic aptitude text and learn the tips and tricks in the subjects learned in the schools. Please be sure to solve some questions as your own after studying each trick so that you will remember the trick otherwise you will forget it. The text by R.K agarwal is enough for mathematics.

For current affairs read news papers and read at least one of the yearbooks available. Give importance to Kerala related matters and other important world news and important Indian news. In case of kerala matters please give more importance.

For English, give importance to synonyms, antinomians, common mistakes etc for this you may need to buy some grammar book. Also give priority to the general knowledge and mathematics over English and regional language.

While travel keep a book so that you can study or approach at least 10 new questions when you otherwise listen an mp3 song. Keep this a hobby. 

also if you are accessible to internet do try some online websites which providing the questions. We will give a list of websites here itself after researching so stay tuned.

Always keep in mind ‘whether the exam is easy or tough, how much better you did compared to others is that what matters’ so use your time well.

Some tips when you attend the exam
·         First attempt the questions you know exactly and mark the questions which you want to look later otherwise there will be time waste while looking the questions to be answered.

·         It is not only about whether you know the exact answer you should also try to omit the wrong answer. (ie you can improve your chance by just looking at the answers and you may not be sure the exact answer but you may sure that some of the answers is exactly not so you can reduce the chance of fail and do it for a luck).

here are some links of useful websites for your preparation

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

About Postal Assistant Computer Skill test , and for other assistant Examinations under SSC

If You are preparing for SSC examination for assistant posts, you may some time face the computer skill test ( Computer typing skill test), We are putting here our own experience about the computer skill test for Postal assistant examination (SBCO, Others) so that some of you may be benefited from this

Previous year “computer skill test” conducted by Postal Department consist of two parts  

                        1. Computer typing speed test

                        2. Data entry test
Both for a duration of 30 minutes,15 minutes for each.Also you will be provided a computer for this .

                         In Computer typing speed test you can select either 450 words English passage or 375 words Hindi passage. For English passage there should be a average speed of 30 words per minute and for Hindi it is 25 words per minute as in the notification, But Normally while the actual test, they prefer a lower cut off which varies from 15 to 20 words per minute. The passage may contain many difficult words, punctuations, capital words etc. So be very careful while typing. Soon after the computer typing exam your result will be displayed on the computer monitor like your average speed, errors you have done while typing etc.

You can practice computer typing please visit the following web sites

                         In data entry exam you will be given data like address, phone numbers etc. Here also the cut off may be around 2500 keystrokes per minute. This test is much easier than the above one. This test mainly concentrates on the speed of number entering without error. After the completion of exam the result will be appeared on the screen.

You can practice data entry please visit the following web sites


LDC (L.D Clerk) Exam Kerala psc 2013 notification, exam date and schedule 2013-2014


(LD Clerk(LDC) exam 2013 | Lower Division Clerk exam 2013| LDC 2013) Kerala PSC Exam Notification,Exam dates and Schedule


L D C ( LD Clerk Examination in kerala) Notification 2013 , Examination to be conducted on November,december 2013 and january,february 2014 months exact details is as follows
This time the Lower division clerk examination in kerala is the last exam with S.S.L.C as its basic qualification and further it will be made to plus 2 as its basic qualificationso a good news for the persons who is having sslc and having technical qualification like ITI etc and not having plus 2
Earlier it was decided to put the qualification as plus 2 but lately the decision is which drawn and as per the meeting held at PSC the details of the examination are as follows.
The notification will be published on 31st july 2013.
we did provided the link of the notification from where you will get the notification for the same.
The application can be submitted online till september fourth (till 04-09-2012). anyone having SSLC or equivalent qualification can apply for the LDC examination through the Kerala psc web site.
Since SSLC is the basic qualification, it is estimated that above 15 lakhs applicants will apply for it and in that case it will be arecord in the hystory of kerala psc.
As per kerala psc, the exam will be held in 8 stages and is as follows

The district wise exam dates for LDC is as follows

1, For thiruvananthapuram and kasargod districts, the LDC 2013 exam will be conducted on the date November 9th 2013.
2, For kollam and kannur districts, the LDC exam will be conduucted on the date November 23rd 2013
3, For pathanamthitta and thrissur districts the LDC exam will be conducted on the date December 7th 2013
4, For ernakulam and wayanadu districts, the LDC exam date is on 2014 january 4th.
5, For alappuzha and kozhikkode districts the LDC exam date is on 2014 january 18th
7, For kottayam and palakkad districts, the LDC exam date is on 2014 february 8th,
8, And lastly for malappuram and idukki districts the exam date is on 2014 february 22nd.
LDC examination by transfer for the departmental candidates will be held on 2014 march 1st.
Examination time will be from 2.00 pm to 3.15pm on the date scheduled. Candidate must report on the exam venue before 1.30pm.
For more details notification visit kerala PSC notifications  For viewing our thread on how to prepare for LD Clerk examination 2013-2014 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

IB Recruitment 2013, Intelligence Bureau ASSISTANT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICER (ACIO) – GRADE II/EXECUTIVE EXAMINATION – 2013, Hallticket , info, Notification

Intelligence Bureau (Ministry of Home Affairs) Government of India invites application  to the post of  ASSISTANT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICER – GRADE II/EXECUTIVEEXAMINATION – 2013

Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals for direct recruitment
to the post of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer, Grade-II/Executive, General
Central Service, Group-‘C’ (Non-Gazetted/Non-Ministerial) in the Intelligence
Bureau, (Ministry of Home Affairs),

Name of the post  :            Assistant Central Intelligence Officer, Grade-II/Executive
 Classification        :            Group ‘C’, Non-gazetted/Non-Ministerial

Pay scale                 :            Rs. 9300-34800 plus Grade Pay Rs. 4200 (PB-2) (Plus
                                                admissible Central Government allowances)
qualifications        :             Graduation or equivalent from a recognized University

qualifications        :             Knowledge of computers.

Age limit                :              18-27 years (Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years                                                     for SC/ST and by  3 years for OBC candidates. Upper
                                                 age limit is also relaxable for  Departmental Candidates
                                                 with 3 years continuous service, upto 40 years and also
                                                 certain other categories in accordance with the
                                                 instructions or orders issued by Central Government from
                                                 time to time.


         1.The written examination f contains two papers       

           Paper I                                 Objective type(General Awareness/General
                                                          Knowledge, Reasoning, Comprehension and
                                                          Mathematical ability)
           Paper-II                               Descriptive type on English language only.
                                                          (English writing skill and analytical
Duration for both Papers          1 hour and 40 minutes.

          2.Those who qualify the exam will be called for interview

After successful completion of above all there will be medical examination.

HOW TO APPLY: Applications should be submitted only through ON-LINE
registration by logging on to the website

EXAMINATION FEE: Rs. 100/- (Rupees Hundred only). Only male
candidates belonging to General and OBC category are required to pay the fee.
All SC/ST and female candidates are exempted from payment of examination

CLOSING DATE: August 12, 2013 (till midnight)

Once applied and after the closing date the link for downloading the hall ticket will be available in the official website

 for more details visit the official web site

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

IBPS Exam For Probationery Officer Notification 2013 Exam to be held on october 2013

The next Common Written Examination (CWE PO/MT-III) as a pre-requisite for selection of personnel for Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee posts in the Participating Organisations listed below will be conducted online by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) tentatively in October 2013.

IBPS PO 2013 Examination Notification The details are as follows.

Any eligible candidate, who aspires to join any of the Participating Organisations listed at (A) as a Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee or in a similar post in that cadre, is required to register for the Common Written Examination (CWE PO/MT-III). Candidates who appear and are shortlisted in the examination, will
subsequently be called for a Common Interview to be conducted by the Participating Organisations and co-ordinated by IBPS. Depending on the available vacancies in Participating organisations, candidates shortlisted will be allotted to one of the Participating Organisations keeping in view the spirit of Govt. Guidelines on reservation policy, administrative convenience, etc.
Educational Qualifications:
Degree with 60% marks in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification
recognized as such by the Central Government.
Age (As on 01.07.2013):
Minimum: 20 years Maximum: 28 years
i.e. a candidate must have been born not earlier than 02.07.1985 and not later than 01.07.1993 (both
dates inclusive)

IBPS PO Exam 2013 Important Dates and details

fees -- Rs 100 for SC/ST/PWD candidates.
            Rs. 600 /- for all others

Date of starting of online and offline payment of Fees

 22.07.2013 to 12.08.2013 (Online payment)
 24.07.2013 to 17.08.2013 (Offline payment)

Starting of Online registration  22.07.2013- 12.08.2013 

Download of Call Letter for Pre-Examination Training (PET) forSC/ST/ Minority Community candidates  After 25.09.2013

Pre-Examination Training  07.10.2013-12.10.2013

Download of Call letter for Examination  After 07.10.2013

Online Examination (Tentative dates)- some/ all/ additional dates as
the need arises

Declaration of result status of examination (CWE) Third/ fourth week of November 2013

Download of call letters for Interview First week of January 2014
Conduct of Interview Third week of January 2014
Allotment March 2014


Candidates can apply online only from 22.07.2013 to 12.08.2013 and no other mode of application will be accepted.
Pre-Requisites for Applying Online
Before applying online, candidates should—

(i) scan their photograph and signature ensuring that both the photograph and signature adhere to the   required specifications as given in Annexure II to this Advertisement.

(ii) if desiring to make online payment of application fees/ intimation charges keep the necessary    details/documents ready (In case of Offline Payment i.e. CBS candidates have to apply online, obtain a    fee payment challan and then remit the necessary application fees/ intimation charges).

(iii)have a valid personal email ID, which should be kept active till the declaration of results of this round of CWE. IBPS may send call letters for the Examination etc. through the registered e-mail ID. Under no circumstances, a candidate should share with/mention e-mail ID to / of any other person. In case acandidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before
applying on-line and must maintain that email account. Application Fees/ Intimation Charges [Payable from 22.07.2013 to 12.08.2013 (Online payment) and
24.07.2013 to 17.08.2013 (Offline payment) both dates inclusive]
- Rs. 100/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates.
- Rs. 600 /- for all others
Bank Transaction charges for Offline/ Online Payment of application fees/ intimation charges will have to be
borne by the candidate

for more details Official Notification here