Kerala PSC LDC exam shortlist-rank list District Wise details

Sunday, December 23, 2012

M O I L- recruits for executive posts last date 31-12-2012

M O I L L I M I T E D ( Manganese Ore (India) Limited)

Sr.Dy.General Manager(Finance) - 2 posts (Gen) for H.O.
( 1 post reserved for phy.handicapped)
1. Qualification
i) Graduates who have passed the final exam. of CA/ICWA OR
MBA with spln. in Fin.from a recog.Univ./Instt.
ii) 18 yrs. exp. in Mgrl. Line in the Fin.Deptt. of an Orgn. dealing
with all aspects of Fin.Mgmt. including Bank Financing, Accounting,
Costing, Budgetary Control, prep. of Final accounts, Project
Financing, Corporate Taxation etc. of which 12 yrs. should be in
Sr.Mgrl.line pref. as HOD.
iii) Age below 50 years.
2. Scale of pay : Rs.36600-62000/-(E-06) -The CTC would be around Rs.14 lakhs
at minimum basic.
In addition to the salary, the above posts carry other fringe benefits like Contributory
Provident Fund, Insurance linked Gratuity, free Medical attention, LTC etc. as per
the Rules of the Company.
Dy.General Manager(Finance) - 2 posts (Gen) for H.O.
( 1 post reserved for phy.handicapped)
1. Qualification
i) Graduates who have passed the final exam. of CA/ICWA OR
MBA with spln. in Fin.from a recog.Univ./Instt.
ii) 15 yrs. exp. in Mgrl. Line in the Fin.Deptt. of an Orgn. dealing
with all aspects of Fin.Mgmt. including Bank Financing, Accounting,
Costing, Budgetary Control, prep. of Final accounts, Project
Financing, Corporate Taxation etc. of which 8 yrs. should be in
iii) Age below 50 years.
2. Scale of pay : Rs.32900-58000/-(E-05) -The CTC would be around Rs.13 lakhs
at minimum basic.
In addition to the salary, the above posts carry other fringe benefits like Contributory
Provident Fund, Insurance linked Gratuity, free Medical attention, LTC etc. as per
the Rules of the Company.
II1.Sr.Manager(Finance) -1 Post(1 ST)(Backlog vacancy)for Mines
i ) Graduates who have passed the final exam. of CA/ICWA OR
ii) MBA with spln. in Fin. from a recog.Univ./Instt. OR
iii) Graduates with SAS(Commercial) of C&AG of India
iv) 6 yrs. exp. in Mgrl. Line in the Fin.Deptt. of an Orgn. dealing
with all aspects of Fin.Mgmt., including Bank Financing, Accounting
Costing, Budgetary control, prep. of Final accounts, Project Financing, Corporate
Taxation etc.
v) Age below 35 years (can be relaxed under Govt. guidelines)
vi). Scale of pay Rs.20600-46500/- (E-2) –The CTC would be around Rs.7.84 lakhs
at minimum basic.
In addition to the salary, the above posts carry other fringe benefits like Contributory
Provident Fund, Insurance linked Gratuity, free Medical attention, LTC etc. as per
the Rules of the Company.
IV.. Manager(Finance) – 2 Posts (1 SC & 1 ST) (Backlog vacancy) for Mines
i ) Graduates who have passed the final exam. of CA/ICWA with 3 yrs. exp.
in Managerial line in the Fin. Deptt. of an Orgn. OR
ii) MBA with spln. in Fin. from a recog.Univ./Instt. with 3 yrs. exp. in
Managerial line in the Fin.Deptt. of an Orgn. OR
iii) Graduates with SAS(Commercial) of C&AG of India with 3 yrs.exp. in
Managerial line in Fin.Deptt. of an Orgn.
iv) Age below 30 years(can be relaxed under Govt. Guidelines)
v). Scale of pay Rs.16400-40500/- (E-1) –The CTC would be around Rs.5.16 lakhs
at minimum basic.
In addition to the salary, the above posts carry other fringe benefits like Contributory
Provident Fund, Insurance linked Gratuity, free Medical attention, LTC etc. as per
the Rules of the Company.
Chief(Personnel) - 4 Posts (3 Gen & 1 OBC ) for Mines
( 1 post reserved for phy.handicapped)
i) Post Graduate Degree in Social Work with specialization in Labour Welfare,
Personal Management and Industrial Relations OR
ii) PG Degree/ Diploma (2 Yrs. Duration) in IR&PM/MLS from the
recognized University/Institute OR
iii) MBA with specialization in Personnel Management/HR/HRD from
recognized University/Institute.
iv) Pref. will be given to Law Graduates
v) 14 yrs. exp. in Per/Adm.Deptt. in an Orgn. in a senior capacity, of which
3 yrs. should be in Managerial line.
vi) Should have good knowledge of handling I.Ds, Court & Conciliation cases,
conducting negotiations with Trade Unions, conducting Deptt. enquiries
evolving Personnel/Indl.Relations Policies, Welfare Schemes and all other
related functions of HRD.
vii). Age below 45 years (can be relaxed under Govt. guidelines)
viii). Scale of pay Rs.29100-54500/-(E-4) –The CTC would be around Rs.8.20 lakhs
at minimum basic.
Manager(Materials) - 1 Post (SC) (Backlog vacancy) for Mines
i ) Graduate from a recog.Univ./Instt. preferably in Engg.Discipline.
ii) MBA
iii) 5 yrs. exp. in the Stores/Purchase Deptt. in sup.cap. of which 2 yrs.
should be in Mgrl. line.
iv) Age below 30 years (can be relaxed under Govt. guidelines)
v). Scale of pay Rs.16400-40500/- (E-1) –The CTC would be around Rs.5.16 lakhs
at minimum basic.
In addition to the salary, the above posts carry other fringe benefits like Contributory
Provident Fund, Insurance linked Gratuity, free Medical attention, LTC etc. as per
the Rules of the Company.
VII. Graduate Trainee(Mining) – 2 posts ( 2 OBC) for Mines
i) Qualification:
Degree in Mining Engineering
ii) Age limit : Below 30 years (Relaxable under Govt.guidelines)
The selected candidates will be on training for a period of one year during which
period they will be paid an all inclusive stipend of Rs.16400/- per month. They have
to execute a Bond for serving the Company atleast for 3 years. On successful
completion of the training, they may be absorbed as Managers in the respective
discipline in the scale of pay of Rs.16400-3%-40500/- (IDA pattern).
Desirous candidates may send their applications superscribing
on the
envelope `Application for the post of' for the above posts, to the undersigned, along
with detailed bio-data(proforma can be down loaded from our website
and attested copies of Certificates and testimonials along with Demand draft for
Rs.500/- for the posts mentioned at Sr.No.1, II & V and for other posts Demand draft for
100/- (not required for SC/ST candidates) drawn in favour of MOIL Limited, Nagpur
by 31.12.12.
Candidates appearing for interview for the posts serialled at I, II & V will be paid
to and fro railway fare of AC-II and for other posts AC-III or bus fare (if trains not
available) for single person only (on producing proof).
General Conditions
1. Only Indian Nationals need to apply. Mere submission of application will not
entail right for claiming Appointment.
2. For the above posts, Age, qualification and experience would be as on last date of
submission of applications.
3. In support of age proof, candidates will have to submit T.C./ Matriculation/
Secondary Board level certificates.
4. In support of percentage of marks and experience, candidates will have to enclose
attested copies by Gazetted Officer along with application.
5. Candidates from Govt.Depts./PSUs must forward their applications through
proper channel or they should produce NOC at the time of interview otherwise
they will be treated to have agreed to forgo the benefits of carry forward of
gratuity, leave salary and any future benefit for past service etc.
6. Candidature will be liable for cancellation for the post applied and/or removal
from the services of the Company after joining, if at any stage it is found that
information furnished in the application is misleading/incomplete/false. The
candidates are advised to give specific/correct/full information and attach proof
thereof by way of attested photocopies of the original documents/certificates etc.
Before making application, candidate must ensure that the minimum criteria laid
down for the posts are fulfilled.
7. The upper age limit indicated is for general category of candidates. Age relaxation
for SC/ST/OBC/ physically challenged candidates (with not less than 40%
disability (OA/OL/OAL/B/LV/HH) should produce certificate from the
Competent medical Authorities) will be as per Government guidelines in this
regard. Age relaxation for ex-serviceman will be service rendered in the Armed
forces plus 03 years. Upper age limit not applicable in case of Departmental
candidates,having atleast three years balance service.
SC/ST candidates should produce caste certificate issued from the Competent
9. OBC candidates applying for post reserved for OBC should not belong to `Creamy
Layer’ and shall produce certificate from the Competent Authorities.
Relaxation of standard in selection against reserved vacancies – if sufficient
number of reserved category persons are not available on the basis of laid down
general standards, the general standards could be relaxed suitably to fill up the
reserved posts.
11 . Mere fulfilling the minimum requirement will not vest any right for selection
test/interview. In case of overwhelming response, the Company reserves the right
to shortlist the candidates by fixing revised eligibility criteria.
12. The Management will not take any responsibility for any delay in receipt or loss
   in postal transit for any application or communication.
13 In order to regulate the number of candidates to be called for the test and/or
  interview, if so required, the Management reserves the right to raise the minimum
 eligibility standards/criteria OR to relax the minimum eligibility standards/criteria
including age limit in otherwise suitable candidates depending upon the response
to the advertised posts.
14. Mere fulfilling of essential qualifications would not entitle an applicant to be
   called for skill test/written test/viva/voce/interview. The Company may make a
  preliminary selection on the basis of academic records, percentage of marks etc.
Depending on the requirements, the Company reserves the right to
cancel/curtail/increase the number of posts without any further notice and without
assigning any reason thereof.
16 . In case of non-suitability of candidates for the post applied for, the Company at
its discretion can offer a suitable post in the lower level.
17. Age & period of experience can be relaxed in deserving cases.
18. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidates from the candidature of
the post.
19. Departmental candidates who fulfills the above criteria can also apply for the
above posts. No age bar for them.
Kindly ensure that all certificates/documents submitted by you are neatly
stapled/tied together and the photograph properly affixed in the space provided.
21. Corrigenda/Amendments, if any, will be notified only on the above Website i.e. and will not be published in any other media.
Commencement of submission of applications : 5.12.12
Closing of receipt of applications
: 31.12.12

for more details visit

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